#ClassicBlogWeek roundup

I will be adding some summary posts when I’ve managed to collect my thoughts, but it will take a while as there is so much to read here.

In the meantime, here is a simple table of all the blog posts shared during the week (that I found, if I missed any please let me know!)

Blog PostAuthorShared By
Snake Oil@oldandrewuk@CFarman1
At what cost?@jo_facer@bennewmark
Hornets and Butterflies: How to reduce workload@joe__kirby@MrAHarrisonCS
Mode A + Mode B = Effective teaching and a rich enacted curriculum@teacherhead@Pete_Bonn
Achieving coherence in primary science@Mr_AlmondED@Mr_N_Wood
What did I mean by ‘the curriculum is the progression model’?@mfordhamhistory@isaacmoore7
Genericism’s children@Counsell_C@Ruth_Ashbee
This much I know about…why putting your family first matters@johntomsett@meganbows
Beyond knowledge organisers; building the best curriculum in the world.@jon_hutchinson_@teacherhead
Why teach?@bennewmark@MrEFinch
Retrieval Strength Vs. Storage Strength@EdScientists@Benneypenyrheol
E. Coli and Quality First Teaching@Ruth_Ashbee@sharperpencils
Sequencing and coherence: what are we really talking about?@VallanceTeach@MrAWGordon_
Organising an event: a toolkit@Penny_Ten@TeachLeadAAli
The 3D curriculum that promotes remembering@ClareSealy@coejooper
Marking and feedback are not the same@jdurran@coejooper
Teach Like Nobody’s Watching@EnserMark@MrPattisonTeach
Why we’ve got planning and marking all wrong (part 1)@MichaelT1979@TomRees_77
Simplifying Cognitive Load Theory@adamboxer1@Dr_Castelino
Why Target Grades Miss Their Mark@bennewmark@PaulCline_psy
On Eudaimonia: Simply Outstanding Is Not The Best@Trivium21c@onechriswhite
What if we cannot measure pupil progress?@profbeckyallen@HistoryKss
Careering towards a curriculum crash?@profbeckyallen@head_teach
The Slow Practical@adamboxer1@MBDscience
Marking is a hornet@joe__kirby@MrThorntonTeach
Structured revision lessons using retrieval, spacing & interleaving@missdcox@MrThorntonTeach
Do they understand this well enough to move on? Introducing hinge questions@HFletcherWood@MrThorntonTeach
Applying Cognitive Load Theory to English part 3: The Problem Completion Effect: An Overview@Tom_Needham_@MrThorntonTeach
The 7 habits of highly effective lesson plans@PepsMccrea@ahmdsahbi
What sorts of substantive knowledge are needed to get better at history?@mfordhamhistory@vickilbarnett
“So that’s what you mean, Miss.” Using multiple-choice statements to model source analysis@PaulaLoboWorth@MrThorntonTeach
Red pill, blue pill@head_teach@CarlyWaterman21
The Extraordinary Case of Mr Yamazaki@solomon_teach@AlexJQuigley
The Science of Science Practicals: Are We Wasting Our Time? Pt. 1@adamboxer1@DrWilkinsonSci
Knowledge: independently necessary or collectively sufficient?@mfordhamhistory@MrMountstevens
Nothing new, it’s a review – on why I killed my starters.@bennewmark@MrAHarrisonCS
End graded observations: this year’s brain gym, and the gorilla in the classroom@joe__kirby@HFletcherWood
I was a teenage progressive: a defence of the debate@JamesTheo@Ruth_Ashbee
The specific things that leaders do@steveadcock81@head_teach
Should we use questions to teach? – Part 2@Kris_Boulton@ahmdsahbi
Tests are inhuman – and that is what is so good about them@daisychristo@JamesTheo
The Progress Myth@jpembroke@primarypercival
The 5 Golden Rules of tracking@jpembroke@primarypercival
How to speak truthfully about what it means to be human: a user’s handbook.@ClareSealy@DynamicDeps
No written marking. Job done.@primarypercival@DynamicDeps
A ‘Mastery-light’ Subject Curriculum Model@atharby@BeckfootTL
Applying Cognitive Load Theory part 1: Overview and The Worked Example Effect@Tom_Needham_@NSMWells
An idiot’s guide to the philosophy of education: part 1@JamesTheo@NSMWells
Can we improve school interviews? Part 1: A brief review of the research@DavidDidau@NSMWells
What is school leadership?@TomRees_77 @Barker_J@NSMWells
What makes checklists transformational?@HFletcherWood@NSMWells
How retrieval practice works part 1@overpractised@NSMWells
Curriculum Series Number One: Curriculum Chaos@Trivium21c@NSMWells
Undiscovering the mountains of kong@JamesTheo@PaulCline_psy
Pedagogy is overrated@StuartLock@primarypercival
#ClassicBlogWeek AfL In Science: A SymposiumCheater, lol@TChillimamp
Education is an end in itself not a preparation for the workplace@C_Hendrick@JamesTheo
Progressive vs Traditionalist vs Professional@EmathsUK@ahmdsahbi
Clear Teacher Explanations I: examples & non-examples@Mr_Raichura@Dr_Castelino
World building: What can history teachers learn from imaginary realms?@michaeldoron@VallanceTeach
Memory not memories – teaching for long term learning@ClareSealy@primarypercival
A lesson is the wrong unit of time@BodilUK@primarypercival
The Secret of Happiness and Virtue: behaviour and sanctions@danicquinn@HFletcherWood
Why Fads and Gimmicks Should be Resisted in the Classroom@C_Hendrick@stoneman_claire
To wish impossible things@head_teach@chrisdysonHT

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